Saturday, August 28, 2010

Landing gear. Hi God... I'm listening.

I just received the strangest message on my phone at the most poignant of times...

"I just wanted to let you know that I am sending you pictures of the landing gear. I just wanted to let you all know it's on the way."

It's definitely a misplaced phone message from area code 321. But somehow tonight it felt like God calling. There was a part of me that wanted to pick up the phone and call back to say, "are you there God, it's me Carrie... I'm waiting for the landing gear."

And then of course... this started up while I was typing this post - it's "Such Great Heights" by Postal Service.

Andrew my beautiful partner tells me all the time that worry is useless, and that we will always be fine. So I am going to stop paying bills and worrying and go to bed with the sweet vision that there is truly an angel on my shoulder guiding the way. At least for right now.

whirlwind - here comes hurricane carrie.

As is standard for me, I am finally crossing "write on your blog" off my honey-do list somewhere around 10:00 at night. It's only been on the list for two weeks. Needless to say, my life has been in high gear for the last few weeks.

I recently purchased a lovely studio in Newburyport, MA which will become the first true homebase for Rasamaya teacher trainings and classes. It has been yet another of life's gracious gifts which quite literally landed in my lap out of thin air.


As is my pattern, when I jump off the bridge into something risky like a new business venture (that makes sense no where on paper but everywhere in my brain), every door opens. It is my truth. Follow your heart I suppose is the deeper message.

I know that right now I am sitting on the brink of discovery and a new amazing chapter of my life. Open arms full of hope (let's be real for a minute - what else can you do when you take big risks - it's either eating hope for breakfast or a cardboard box on the side of the road - I'm going for hope with a side of buttered toast first. Box second.)

Today I started with a new group of teacher trainees. The first time a new group teaches their first Rasamaya warm-up it just makes my heart sing. I can appreciate where they are starting and I can see so clearly where they will end up. It's a gorgeous thing to witness. My great joy and maybe my best gift is helping teachers find their voice. I am so excited for this new group, what a lovely bunch.

I remember my first teacher training with Kathy at YogaVermont. I was thirsty for knowledge, and yet apprehensive of what I was getting myself into. And perhaps I should of been apprehensive, what I didn't know is that the decision to lead a life led by a constant spiritual pursuit leaves you never quite satiated. Every day I strive to learn more, teach more, learn more. It's an obsessive pattern. They say that those that can't do teach... since enlightenment isn't within my "do" I teach everything I learn. Really I'm nothing more than a talented parrot.

Living a life that allows me the opportunity to use movement as a path to my own searching for spiritual enlightenment is a gift. Movement simply provides a platform for me to ask the hard questions of my own life... to the point of exhaustion. I wonder what life would of been like if I had chosen the life of a financial planner (which was the other option at the cross roads decision point where I decided to follow my heart to teach yoga).... or if I had become a marine biologist or doctor or lawyer. I'm sure somehow I would of ended up right where I am today.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Rasamaya® Expands To A to Z Studio!

Click the link below to read our latest newsletter to learn about our expansion to Newburyport, MA!

Rasamaya® Expands To A to Z Studio! via @constantcontact

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Aerial Yoga Teacher Training Photos!

Beautiful Pictures from our Aerial Yoga Teacher Training Last Weekend!