Friday, November 19, 2010

Favorite Music Video of the Year

I think this might be my favorite music video of the year. Hold Your Horses. "70 Million"

70 Million by Hold Your Horses ! from L'Ogre on Vimeo.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Anna Jaques Hospital Heart & Sole Heel Dash

Join Team Rasamaya for Anna Jaques Hospital Heart & Sole Heel Dash - 50 yard dash... to raise awareness about Heart Disease - it is the #1 killer. We are having our own little special challenge - The first person from Team Rasamaya to reach the finish line will receive a water bottle and Rasamaya organic T-Shirt!! Meet us at the studio at 10am, the day after thanksgiving in Rasamaya colors (black, white, and blue if you need an accent color). With closed toe heels in tow (red preferable)!! Andrew promises to wear these - Isn't that enough reason to show?

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

bhayanaka - fear in practice.

We have been talking about fear or the rasa "bhayanaka" in Rasamaya Yoga teacher training lately. As always when you practice any of the rasas as a daily sadhana (practice) they seem to come up in your face again and again. It forces you to face them whether you want to or not. I came across this quote this morning which is helping me face my own fears as I practice this sadhana this week.

“What we seek we shall find; what we flee from flees from us.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Meghan's Playlist for Rasamaya Barre classes

A new playlist for Rasamaya Barre classes from much loved teacher - Meghan Kinsey - check it out!

meghan rasamaya one
Playlist Notes: Love this mix as it is just the right blend of hip-swaying and chill. Makes me want to work all the harder when I am in 55th minute of a 60 minute Rasamaya Barre session. Now swing your hips left, now right, and sink it for four, three, two, one....hold it....breathe!!! Now smile!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Plank for a Tank!

Sunday, September 25th at 10am Carrie is hosting a 'Plank for a Tank' competition at Luluelmon Athletica in Newburyport, MA! Come join us!

1 Merrimac St # 8
Newburyport, MA 01950-2560

Barre Class Sat 9/11

This was a much requested playlist from Saturday's Barre Class - here it is!!

" - carriebarreclass 1 sept" has been published in the iTunes Store at: - carriebarreclass 1 sept

Playlist Notes: This is the music mix from Saturday's class in September. Love this mix. Listening to it all the time. A little bit of the best of everything.

Song Name

Map of the Problematique
Whenever, Wherever
That's Right!
Jesse Cook
Why Did We Fire the Gun?
Hold the Night
Lyre le Temps
Mama Told Me (Not to Come)
Three Dog Night
Run On
Young Folks
Peter Bjorn and John
This Modern Love
Bloc Party
Tim Tim
Adagio Sostenuto (Digital Exclusive)
You Got Me
The Roots
Building Steam With a Grain of Salt
DJ Shadow

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Core mix 2 - "african arms"

core mix 2 - african arms" has been published in the iTunes Store at: - core mix 2 - african arms

Playlist Notes: This might be my favorite play list I've ever made for a core class. We did a fun hip swaying arm workout to Gati Bongo with some easy chest popping and booty bumping african moves and light weights... What a blast. Can't wait to teach it again. - C

Song Name Artist
Viva la Vida -  Coldplay
Home -  Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros
Bird On a Wire -  Rogue Wave
1901 -  Phoenix
This Modern Love -  Bloc Party
Hélène Orchéstre - Baka de Gbiné
Bosenga Orchéstre -  Baka de Gbiné
Tango-for a Spy! (Jet-Lag Mix) -  Tape Five
La Rumba de Nicolas -  Gipsy Kings
Pencil Full of Lead -  Paolo Nutini
Rum'n'cocacola (Shake It Up Well) -  Tim Tim
Tigerlily -  La Roux
Ooh Child (Alternate Version) -  Beth Orton
Waiting for My Real Life to Begin (Album Version) - Colin Hay

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Landing gear. Hi God... I'm listening.

I just received the strangest message on my phone at the most poignant of times...

"I just wanted to let you know that I am sending you pictures of the landing gear. I just wanted to let you all know it's on the way."

It's definitely a misplaced phone message from area code 321. But somehow tonight it felt like God calling. There was a part of me that wanted to pick up the phone and call back to say, "are you there God, it's me Carrie... I'm waiting for the landing gear."

And then of course... this started up while I was typing this post - it's "Such Great Heights" by Postal Service.

Andrew my beautiful partner tells me all the time that worry is useless, and that we will always be fine. So I am going to stop paying bills and worrying and go to bed with the sweet vision that there is truly an angel on my shoulder guiding the way. At least for right now.

whirlwind - here comes hurricane carrie.

As is standard for me, I am finally crossing "write on your blog" off my honey-do list somewhere around 10:00 at night. It's only been on the list for two weeks. Needless to say, my life has been in high gear for the last few weeks.

I recently purchased a lovely studio in Newburyport, MA which will become the first true homebase for Rasamaya teacher trainings and classes. It has been yet another of life's gracious gifts which quite literally landed in my lap out of thin air.


As is my pattern, when I jump off the bridge into something risky like a new business venture (that makes sense no where on paper but everywhere in my brain), every door opens. It is my truth. Follow your heart I suppose is the deeper message.

I know that right now I am sitting on the brink of discovery and a new amazing chapter of my life. Open arms full of hope (let's be real for a minute - what else can you do when you take big risks - it's either eating hope for breakfast or a cardboard box on the side of the road - I'm going for hope with a side of buttered toast first. Box second.)

Today I started with a new group of teacher trainees. The first time a new group teaches their first Rasamaya warm-up it just makes my heart sing. I can appreciate where they are starting and I can see so clearly where they will end up. It's a gorgeous thing to witness. My great joy and maybe my best gift is helping teachers find their voice. I am so excited for this new group, what a lovely bunch.

I remember my first teacher training with Kathy at YogaVermont. I was thirsty for knowledge, and yet apprehensive of what I was getting myself into. And perhaps I should of been apprehensive, what I didn't know is that the decision to lead a life led by a constant spiritual pursuit leaves you never quite satiated. Every day I strive to learn more, teach more, learn more. It's an obsessive pattern. They say that those that can't do teach... since enlightenment isn't within my "do" I teach everything I learn. Really I'm nothing more than a talented parrot.

Living a life that allows me the opportunity to use movement as a path to my own searching for spiritual enlightenment is a gift. Movement simply provides a platform for me to ask the hard questions of my own life... to the point of exhaustion. I wonder what life would of been like if I had chosen the life of a financial planner (which was the other option at the cross roads decision point where I decided to follow my heart to teach yoga).... or if I had become a marine biologist or doctor or lawyer. I'm sure somehow I would of ended up right where I am today.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Rasamaya® Expands To A to Z Studio!

Click the link below to read our latest newsletter to learn about our expansion to Newburyport, MA!

Rasamaya® Expands To A to Z Studio! via @constantcontact

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Aerial Yoga Teacher Training Photos!

Beautiful Pictures from our Aerial Yoga Teacher Training Last Weekend!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Getting over the "they"

Has it really been so long that I have written or said anything of any substance? I have to admit in truth that I have shied away from writing anything that has any weight because I have been advised otherwise. The "they" of business society informed me that it was a bad executive choice to be authentic or share too much about my personal beliefs. For the last six months I have faltered between believing that I am brave enough to weather any kind of storm and believing that I have everything to lose from the wrong swipe of a pen, or in this case a keyboard.

The truth is since my trip to India last December I've held back a lot. While I was there I fell in love with sitting up at night locked in the silence of a hotel room where I could pour my heart into random thoughts on the screen that I thought no one would read. Sadly, some of those posts are now erased because of the "they." When I came home I was shocked to find out that so many people actually read my blog. Its amazing to find out that you may have many, many more "followers" than your blog might lead you believe. The amount of people that asked me to continue to write because I was able speak some small piece of their voice was astounding and shocking.  Others followed my stories mostly out of human curiosity and others because they felt obligated as my friends and family. Regardless of the reason when I took a count, there were well over 100 people I knew reading these posts.  That's scary. So when I came home I asked the "they" their opinion of such popularity - and as such I stopped writing.

Until last week.

I went back through musings I didn't publish after India. Half written comparisons of life to shoes, my feelings about being silenced, my thoughts on occasionally drinking too much wine, or crying in the middle of the day over despair for things beyond my control. I read each one to my lover and to myself, only to realize that there was still the same voice I had while I was away - the only difference was that she/me couldn't finish a complete thought because she/me didn't have the permission.... because "they" told her not to.

I wonder at what point my good Catholic upbringing became so imprinted on my persona that under the outward persona of fierce independence I actually was still the child that said "yes ma'am, no ma'am, and excuse me."  I went through a phase as a child where I apologized to inanimate objects if I bumped into them. Now I find as an adult that I am just bumping into the contents of my own head.

So to my readers - I'm sorry. I know the dribble for the last few months has been boring. Sure, the playlists and announcements that promote my popularity as a movement teacher are lovely and all, especially if you know me and I am lucky enough to have you as one of my supporters. But in the haze of this field of creative movement, it's really mindless garbage and not what really most of us are thinking about.  In some horrible business-driven mentality, it's almost as if when you don't speak your truth you are somehow better. Especially (and sadly) in the field of holistic wellness. It is easy for us as a society that constantly strives to "be better" to assume that anyone who has  a nice public persona is "perfect" and therefore we should aspire to be them. As if the Gaiam poster child is something we can all obtain. So we don't talk about it. Or worse for those of us who write and teach in the field we end up talking about our lives in some other third person narrative as if we aren't actually talking about ourselves.  For me, enough is enough.... time to write again.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy Independence Day!

'Independence is my happiness, and I view things as they are, without regard to place or person; my country is the world, and my religion is to do good.' -Thomas Paine

Thursday, June 17, 2010

New Playlist - - Avantika's Playlist

This is a longtime favorite mix at the Dover Yoga studio. Created by Avantika Waleryszak, esteemed Rasamaya Faculty and owner of Amber Moon Wellness Center.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

May newsletter from Rasamaya

Check the May Rasamaya Newsletter
Announcing new Teacher Trainings in Flying Aerial Yoga, Rasamaya Core, and a new 600hr Structural Therapy Program! New Website coming soon! Stay tuned!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Business of Being a Yoga Teacher - Audio Recording

Oh wow! Who knew!!!
Yoga Journal Magazine recorded the panel discussion on the business of being a yoga teacher at the Boston Conference in April (Panelists: yours truly, Natasha Rizopoulos & Lynne Beiger) . Here it is if you missed it - enjoy!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

New Itunes Imix: Amahl's Yoga Playlist

Hello Friends!! Great new playlist for Rasamaya Classes below!

Congratulations, your iMix " Amahl's yoga playlist" has been published in the iTunes Store at: Amahl's yoga playlist

Playlist Notes: This is a playlist created by one of our Rasamaya Yoga Teachers for her class. Loved it so much had to publish it. Enjoy. Perfect for any vinyasa flow class.
love. love. love.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Rasamaya Flying Aerial Yoga Workshop this Sunday!!!

Upcoming Flying Aerial Yoga Workshop with Carrie & Crissy this Sunday April 18th 10am - 12pm.
A few spots left! No experience necessary. Register at

Thursday, April 8, 2010

yoga journal conference: business of being a yoga teacher

I am presenting at the Boston Yoga Journal conference this weekend on the business of being a yoga teacher. Today I had the great honor of sitting on a panel with Lynne Beiger of Back Bay Yoga in Boston, and the well known Natasha Rizopoulos. We answered questions in turn regarding social media, networking, marketing, hiring processes, etc. The responses were poignant, and many times we came up with different views and answers. That said  - there was one consistent thread among our voices... authenticity of self in your marketing and business choices. If you don't want to twitter - don't. If you love to write newsletters - do it. If you would prefer to stand on your head in the middle of the street holding a sign between your toes that says "come to my yoga class" try it out.  But whatever choice you make in business, let it come from the heart.

I had a woman come up to me after the panel who told me she only had a few students in a new workshop she just started offering. Slightly discouraged, she was considering that maybe it wasn't exactly worth it to continue the program. My response - "You had more than one! That's great! Keep going..."  

Jen my partner at Dover Yoga & Pilates and I were talking this morning about choices in business on the drive down. She remarked that too often we are all too quick to change gears in business and not be willing to weather the storm to see the other side. I don't think this could be more true.  Anytime that I have more than five people show up to listen to anything I have to say I consider that a triumph. We can't expect to start out with a village, perhaps we start with only one person. But if we nurture and put our effort into sharing our passion with that one person it may just turn out that she is the Queen in hiding who has an entire village of people that she knows... and so your class grows.  

The question I believe we have to ask ourselves on a continual basis, especially when we are ready to throw the towel in, is whether or not we love what we do? Is teaching this workshop really making me happy or am I resentful that I'm not home with my children? Am I teaching yoga out of a place of love and joy, or because it's the latest thing I chose to do to make ends meet?  Somewhere in the middle of those questions there is a balance. If you love what you do and it comes from the heart, it shows. The joy that you exude will overflow out of you and will spread to your students, and then from those students to their families and loved ones. That is simply bound to multiply. It is the perfect equation.

Never doubt the power of your ability to teach others, or the strength of manifestation that comes from leading life guided by only your heart... authentically.

Monday, March 22, 2010

March & April News from Rasamaya

Rasamaya Yoga Homepage

"Beauty is a form of genius - is higher indeed, than genius, as it needs no explanation. It is of the great facts in the world like sunlight, or springtime, or the reflection in dark water of that silver shell we call the moon. "
~ Oscar Wilde
When I think of the springtime I think of beauty. The budding flowers, the return of the songbirds, the warmth of the sun on my skin. These simple pleasures always offer me a renewed sense of hope, mission and freedom. A chance to be reborn from the cozy shell of winter. Springtime is the opportunity to clean out the cobwebs of my heart (and my closet) and to beckon in the new.
For myself, I have all my sights set on Rasamaya's continuing growth throughout the New England community. As many of you know, this is the first year that Rasamaya will be included as a class in the Boston Yoga Journal Conference in April, which I am so graciously honored to be a part of. In addition our own family of presenters and workshops continues to expand and grow and I am so pleased to announce that our 200hr teacher training program will not only include Dover, NH this fall but also Brattelboro, VT and Salem, NH.
I hope that this springtime offers to you all of its gifts, all of its blessings, and a chance to go play and enjoy.
love. love. love.
P.S. A side note for my past and current teacher training students - don't forget to register for the Rasamaya Star Island retreat in August this year. Oh, and remember that database I promised you? It's officially in the works and should be operational by fall (all things considered).

Rasamaya Flying Partner Yoga: Discovering Trust with Carrie Tyler & Daniel Drake
Tuesday Once a Month Feb 9, Mar 16, and April 20, 7:30 - 9:30pm
Boston Yoga Journal Conference
April 6 - 11, 2010, Sheraton, Boston, MA
Rasamaya Aerial Yoga Workshop with Carrie Tyler & Crissy Trayner
April 18, 2010, Dover, NH. To register:
Rasamaya Flying Partner Yoga: Discovering Trust with Carrie Tyler & Daniel Drake
Tuesday Once a Month Feb 9, Mar 16, and April 20, 7:30 - 9:30pm

This if our second Rasamaya® Teacher's Retreat on Star Island. This weekend excursion is only offered to Rasamaya® teachers and their families and will offer the opportunity to escape from reality, and find some quiet personal time to either simply sit back and relax, or to develop your movement practice in the company of others. It is a wonderful opportunity for all of us to learn from each other and expand our knowledge.
The weekend will sponsor various styles of Rasamaya® movement classes. Classes will be offered for all levels of practitioners from beginner to advanced. Attendance in classes is not required such that you can move through the weekend at your own pace. CEU credits are available for all workshops offered by 200 E-RYT or 500hr RYT/ERYT presenters.
For more information about star island please visit

TEACHER TRAININGS BEGIN AUGUST 2010 in Dover & Salem, NH and Brattleboro, VT
Prenatal/ Postnatal - June 12 
Star Island Retreat - August 12-14
Thai Yoga Massage- September 11 
Thai Yoga Massage - September 18
Patañjali's Yoga Sutra - September 19 
Prenatal/ Postnatal - September 26
Kali Ray TriYoga - October 10
Yin Yoga - October 16
Yoga of Tranquility & Insight - October 17
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Thursday, March 18, 2010

Rasamaya Flying Aerial Yoga Workshop this Sunday

Workshop This Sunday! - ONLY A FEW SPOTS LEFT!!

Rasamaya Flying Aerial Yoga with Carrie Tyler & Crissy Trayner
See our video interview with Portsmouth Herald's Gossip Lady on YouTube

March 21 10-12am at Tristar Gym

Cost: $40 and $35 for members and students with valid ID

Ever dream of flying like Peter Pan? Now you can! Take your yoga practice off the ground and into the air… Aerial fabric flying is an outward body and mind expanding practice that utilizes a partner as a base to help the flyer experience gravity defying twists, backbends, and freedom. Safe mounting, dismounting, and how to base with confidence and trust will be explored. Aerial yoga focuses on the beautiful art form of how to move on circus silks. It is a very inward focused practice which becomes a dance between you and the fabric. Basic footlocks, climbing, and fun asanas will be explored.

This is a wonderful practice for couples, parents and children, old friends and the making of new friends. Space is limited to 25. Class is appropriate for all levels (except those with heart conditions or those who should not be practicing inversions).

This will be located at Tristar Gym, 66 3rd Street, Dover, NH 03820-3337. To register

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

New Rasamaya iTunes iMixPlaylist - "Flight"

These songs remind me of element of flight. Mostly instrumental. Perfect for a Rasamaya yoga practice. Soft music at the beginning for starting out in savasana and then graduating slowly to seated for pranayama and eventually into a more vigorous flow and then back down again. Enjoy.

"flight -" has been published in the iTunes Store (follow link)

On the playlist:
Song Name - Artist

~ Night Light, Pt. 1 - Liquid Mind (Chuck Wild)
~ Bird Stealing Bread - Iron & Wine
~ Fly - Ludovico Einaudi
~ Breathe Me - Sia
~ First Rendez-Vous - Yann Tiersen
~ Move - Jonathan Elias
~ Everything Is Alright - Four Tet
~ Song for Amadeus (Improvisation on Mozart's Sonata No. 2 in F Major, K.280/189e: II. Adagio) Bobby McFerrin, Chick Corea & The Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra
~ By the River - Béla Fleck, Edgar Meyer & Mike Marshall
~ Track 4 - Sigur Rós
~ Movement V - Grace - James Taylor
~ Amazing Grace - Cat Power & Dirty Delta Blues
~ Night Light, Pt. 2 - Liquid Mind (Chuck Wild)

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year

i am running into a new year
Lucille Clifton
i am running into a new year
and the old years blow back
like a wind
that i catch in my hair
like strong fingers like
all my old promises and
it will be hard to let go
of what i said to myself
about myself
when i was sixteen and
twenty-six and thirty-six
even forty-six but
i am running into a new year
and i beg what i love and
i leave to forgive me